art 2021
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The jury meeting postponed to January 28, 2021 has taken place. All artists will be notified shortly.

Call for artists

With the project IntraRegionale 2021 eleven art societies in cooperation with the Hörregion Hannover present eleven current positions of international sound art in various places throughout the region of Hannover. Those sound art installations are supposed to be designed by their artists with direct connection to the different places hosted.

We were seeking eleven sound art artists who realise eleven sound art installations at eleven places within the region of Hannover. Those sound art installations to be developed are supposed to share a site-specific relation. However, a topic-related specification does not exist, neither a specification of technique or material used by the artists. Performance artists and musicians who put composed art on stage were excluded from this call.

The call happened internationally and aimed at all professional working artists.

Professional artists applied until 30th November 2020 with an online form and a CV plus three detailed references of their professional work.  The focus should be put on already realised art in public space.

“Echos” | Greger Stahlgren | IntraRegionale 2016