The idea and the concept of IntraRegionale was developed by Atelier LandArt, which is also responsible for the organization of the project. Organizers of the IntraRegionale are 11 art institutions located in the Hannover region.
imago, Kunstverein Wedemark e.V., Bissendorf
kik.kunst in kontakt e,V., Hannover
KulturGut Poggenhagen e.V, Neustadt a. Rbge
Kunstraum Benther Berg e.V., Ronnenberg / Benthe
Kunst und Begegnung Hermannshof e.V., Springe / Völksen
Kunstverein Barsinghausen e.V.
kunstverein burgwedel / isernhagen artclub e.v
Kunstverein Neustadt a. Rbge. e.V
Scena – Kulturverein im VVV Burgdorf e.V.