Hörregion Hannover
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Hörregion Hannover

Together with the art associations, Hörregion Hannover develops and enables a broad accompanying program around the sound installations of IntraRegionale 2021.



The idea

The Hannover region has a unique variety of outstanding institutions, initiatives and companies in the field of sound and acoustics. They all partnered under the brand name “Hörregion” to form an interdisciplinary network in order to make good hearing possible and to promote it. In their daily work and in joint projects, hearing professionals from the fields of culture, science, medicine, business and education draw attention to the sense of hearing and its importance for cultural and social participation.



The goals


  • make the sensual quality of hearing a tangible experience
  • arouse enthusiasm for music, tone and sound
  • to promote the activities, high quality and potential of the Hannover region as a listening location
  • Networking and promoting industry and research in the fields of hearing acoustics and hearing health through new impulses
  • sensitize to care and preservation of the own hearing ability
  • increase the social participation of hearing impaired people
  • Imparting knowledge through acoustic media


Two practical examples


  •  With a funding guideline, the Hörregion Hannover supports projects that raise awareness of the value of the sense of hearing, promote hearing health, contribute to the social participation and inclusion of hearing-impaired people and strengthen interdisciplinary cooperation in the network of the hearing region.
  • The project GESUND HÖREN (HEALTHY HEARING) in the Hanover region in cooperation with Gesundheitswirtschaft Hannover e.V. sensitizes people to the value of our sense of hearing and provides information about healthy or hearing impaired behavior. It also seeks ways to improve the early detection and early treatment of hearing loss as well as the transparency of care services (therapies and products).
Website Hörregion