Zechenpark / Barsinghausen
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Zechenpark / Barsinghausen

www. kunstverein-barsinghausen.de

52°17‘45.70“N , 9°28‘31.92“E

A 14-hectare undulating open area, prepared like a park with winding paths and partially overgrown with man-sized pioneer plants such as birch, alder and
beech, constituting slightly above the main thoroughfare Barsinghausens an oasis of calm. It is bounded on three sides by higher tree plantings. On the fourth
side the park is surmounted by a 30 m high heap, a left-over from the former coal mining at this place.
A steep and straight so called „Stairway to Heaven“ with
its 99 stages leads up to the top.
From the top, the visitor gains a clear view of the entire site. On the other side a straight way leads from heap down to the former old colliery and the entrance
to the attractive visitor mine. Since the mid-19th century to 1954 the Deister coal was mined here.
The footh path down traces the route of the former lorries
with which the heap in 100 years of mining history was filled with mountains masses and residues from tar production.
The hilly area at the foot of the „Stairway to Heaven“ was created by the fact that dump material was taken away in die1960er
. This material was known as
„Haldenrot“ and was used to cover dirt tracks and tennis courts.
The nature conquered back the area so that it could be configured with a few changes to the
„Zechenpark“ in the year of 2009.
Kunstverein Barsinghausen e.V. Rottkampweg 57, 30890 Barsinghausen