Wasserkunst | Hannover-Herrenhausen
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Wasserkunst | Hannover-Herrenhausen

In 1718, the pumps at the Wasserkunst were first put into operation and served to supply the water features in the Herrenhäuser Gardens about 600 metres away. Currently, the very costly renovation and restoration of the complex (pump house and sluice system) will be completed in spring 2021.

Today, the entire ensemble consists of the historic pump house (main facade north/east) and the 3 associated weirs for operating and regulating the water pumps.

On the west side, a 2-part bridge construction for pedestrians over the dams runs past the building.

Together with the canal bridge and the Leine dam weir, the Wasserkunst forms a passage over the Leine and connects the districts of Hannover-Linden/Limmer with the Nordstadt and the Herrenhäuser Gardens. Located in one of Hannover’s local recreation areas, this passage is a very busy place at daytime but also at night, as it is used by walkers, joggers, passers-by and night owls.

However, the interior of the Wasserkunst with its historic waterwheels and large pumps is rather unsuitable for sound art, as a permanent exhibition with acoustic information on the history of the site is to be set up here.

Among other things, the main façade (with a tower), the side façade of the pump building, but also the nearer outside area with reservoirs and grating cladding on the footbridge running along the side of the building are suitable for a sound installation.

A background noise in the area of the Wasserkunst is already present: On the one hand, in the southern area, the noise of the nearby Leine dam weir, which regulates the flow of water from the Leine, and on the other hand, in the north-east (main façade), the permanent traffic noise of the closely adjacent B6 (western expressway).


Am Großen Garten 70, 30167 Hannover